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Getting Started

To start a new project with chayns-api, use our create-chayns-app command line tool. It will set up an optimal development environment for you in one command.

To use the api, it is required to have your App wrapped by the ChaynsProvider. The chayns-toolkit has to be installed and updated to version 2.0.0-beta.19.


import { ChaynsProvider } from 'chayns-api';

const AppWrapper = () => (

When adding the page to your chayns site activate the v5 checkbox.

add page

Example Hook​

The user object is null when no user is logged in. After a login the user object changes and triggers a rerender.

import { useUser } from 'chayns-api';

const FirstName = () => {
const user = useUser();

return (

Example without hook​

import { getUser, getAccessToken } from 'chayns-api';

const getBookings = async () => {
const { accessToken } = await getAccessToken();
const { personId } = getUser();
const requestData = {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`
return fetch(`${personId}`, requestData);

Usage of event listeners​

import { addWindowMetricsListener, removeWindowMetricsListener } from 'chayns-api';
import { useEffect } from "react";

const FloatingButton = async () => {
const promiseRef = useRef();

useEffect(() => {
promiseRef.current = addWindowMetricsListener(value, (data) => {
console.log("Data", data)

return () => promiseRef.current?.then(removeWindowMetricsListener);
}, [])
return <div>Float</div>

Usage without react​

Add this to your index html file:

<script src="">
// Init chayns-api once
window.chaynsApi = new window.ChaynsApi.StaticChaynsApi();

await chaynsApi.ready;

// Example usage
var { id } = chaynsApi.getSite();
chaynsApi.createDialog({type: 'alert', text: `SiteId: ${id}`}).open();