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Test Command

chayns-toolkit test

This command is currently experimental. It is not semantically versioned and its API may change during any release.

Runs all of your Jest test suites. Files matching one of the following schemas are identified as test files:

  • Any file ending with .spec.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx) or .test.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)
  • Any JavaScript or TypeScript file in a folder named __tests__

The matchers from @testing-library/jest-dom will automatically be injected into the Jest environment, so you can write meaningful assertions on the DOM like this:

import { render } from "@testing-library/react"import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent"
test('should have "Click Me!" as its text', () => {    const { getByRole } = render(<MyComponent />)
    expect(getByRole("button")).toHaveTextContent("Click Me!")})

Getting Started with Testing#

If you're new to testing in general, check out the "Getting Started" page from the Jest docs.

After you learn the basic syntax and architecture of tests check out the Testing Library docs. Testing Library is a collection of tools to help you write more meaningful tests for your frontend code.

The general rule for testing frontend components is:

The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.

Kent C. Dodds (source)


-w, --watchRuns Jest in watch mode
--setupFile <path>Executes the setup file specified by <path> before any tests

Customizing jest-Config#

Even though the included jest configuration will handle most cases, we also provide the ability to modify it.

Please note that the jest configuration does not follow semantic versioning and can change with any release.

Use the jest property of the configuration object to specify a function that receives the default jest configuration. Unlike the webpack function it (currently) does not receive additional information about the build. This modifier function has to return the modified configuration.

module.exports = {    jest(config) {        config.transformIgnorePatterns = [            // required for node_modules with es6 syntax            "/node_modules/(?!lodash-es).+\\.js$",        ]
        return config    },}