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First you should fork the project to your own GitHub-Account to be able to commit changes to it.

Then clone the forked version to your computer. Install the packages by executing

# Install packages for `chayns-toolkit` project
npm i

# Install packages for `example` project
npm --prefix example i

If you want to test any changes you made with the example project you have to build chayns-toolkit first. For that you can run npm run build or let npm run watch run in the background to continously build it.

Now you can open a shell in the example/ directory and use chayns-toolkit just like you would on any other project.

Releasing a new version​

If you have enough permissions on GitHub and NPM you can release a new version.

  1. Use npm version (patch|minor|major) to increase the version.
  2. Use npm publish to release the new version.

You do not have to build the project beforehand, that will be done pre-publish.