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TypeScript Support

TypeScript is fully supported out of the box and can be enabled in a breeze.

Getting Started#

To start using TypeScript in your project, create a tsconfig.json file in the root of your project.

The next time you start the chayns-toolkit dev command, we will automatically populate the tsconfig.json-file with our recommended configuration.


Even though you can use .ts or .tsx files without a tsconfig.json it is highly recommended to set it up. This will give you better editor support and ESLint warnings.

๐ŸŽ‰ Congrats! You are now ready to use TypeScript in your .ts and .tsx files!


The TypeScript transpilation is done by Babel with @babel/preset-typescript. This has some caveats, mainly not being able to use these features:

  • const enum
  • export = and import =
  • TypeScript namespaces

The automatically generated tsconfig.json includes the "isolatedModules": true option in the TypeScript compiler options so you will get warned when using these unsupported features.

Refer to the "Caveats" section in the Babel documentation for more information.

Support for custom path aliases#

chayns-toolkit supports the paths and baseUrl options from tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json to create more readable paths.

You can set the baseUrl like so in your tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json:

{    "compilerOptions": {        "baseUrl": "./src"    }}

Then you can import files based on your baseUrl:

import { MyComponent } from "components/MyComponent"// Instead of "../../components/MyComponent" or something along those lines

If you want to know more about baseUrl and paths check the TypeScript docs.